God of War Ragnarok is here, allowing players searching for the ultimate God of War experience to test out their might in the game’s highest difficulty, Give Me God of War. But the experience, although extremely rewarding, is not for the faint of heart, as all enemies, even the weakest, will be able o kill Kratos in a flash. With that said, and to help all looking to or currently playing on the difficulty, here are a few tips and tricks sure to allow you to reach godhood when playing on the Give Me God of War difficulty.
God of War Ragnarok: Give Me God of War Difficulty Tips and Tricks
Master the Parry System
Undoubtedly the most important skill to master, no difficulty forces you to master the parry as much as Give Me God of War. The reason for that lies in the fact that the skill, especially when paired with passives, is the best way to open large orders of enemies to attack, as well as stop boss advances and build up counterattacks.
Prioritize Ranged Enemies and Stay Mobile
In this difficulty, being overwhelmed by enemies will be an everyday occurrence so we recommended that you stay mobile during the fights and pick out the enemies capable of ranged attacks first. When facing Nightmares, killing them first is a must. Always staying alert to your surroundings is also key, so don’t forget to make smart use of your companions to stop advances and killing blows. As it allows you to stay mobile and face enemies faster, using the Quick Turn can be key in some scenarios.
Focus on Throwing Enemies Off Bounds
As most enemies on this difficulty will be able to drain your health fast, we recommend that you focus on, when possible, throwing them off the bounds. A feat that can be easily done by using certain shield abilities, kicking them while fighting bare-handed, or using the Serpent’s Snare skill. The latter of which is a must for those plating on Give Me God of War.
The Skill is a must as it will allow you to both throw enemies off the bounds and to withstand hits while doing so, thanks to the invincibility frames featured during the trow animation. Performing the skill is also a great way to kill boss spawns. such as the ones featured in some of The Hateful boss fights.
Use the Spartan Rage as a Defense Mechanism / Last Resort
When playing on this difficulty, we highly recommend using your Rage Meter as a safety net when in boss fights not featuring checkpoints, such as the Berserkers. The reason for that lies in the fact that entering it (Fury mode specifically) when you are about to get hit will nullify the attack, thus allowing you to escape certain death after either having your defense broken or taken by surprise,
Should You Prioritize Defense in Give Me God of War?
On this mode, given that most late bosses will kill you in, on the best case scenario, 2 to 3 strikes, we highly recommend that you prioritize other stats, such as Luck. Focusing on luck will also allow your passives to be triggered way more often, all while also allowing you to get more Healthstones and high-tier crafting materials for both your weapons and armor. You should only heavily focus on defense when using the Steinbjorn Plackart paired with Defense-oriented Runes.
God of War Ragnarok is available now on both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.
- This article was updated on November 14th, 2022