There was an abundance of information to be gained from the Rainbow Six Extraction PlayStation showcase trailer, from new locations revealed for the setting of the game to operator abilities and plenty of other details. There is a lot to extract from this latest trailer and the article will delve into each key area to be examined.
The Archaean Threat
The main story/lore of the game revolves around an alien threat that has taken over a portion of the United States so far, taking over places like New York, New Mexico, San Francisco, and Alaska. The Rainbow Six team (known as the ‘REACT’ team for this threat) is tasked with going into these zones and ensuring the Archaen’s do not gain a considerable foothold on any more of the United States and reduce their effects on the main contaminated areas themselves.
The trailer showcased diverse enemy types in action. There are five main enemy types revealed as of the time being and each one will have its own unique abilities and combat styles to understand and learn how to take advantage of. ‘Lurkers’, for example, are able to turn themselves and other aliens invisible, a deadly opponent for any operator of the ‘REACT’ team.
New Gadgets and the Release Date
Within the Rainbow Six Extraction PlayStation showcase trailer, we saw new gadgets belonging to the team being utilized within the hostile and hauntingly decaying environments. The gadgets revealed so far are as follows:
- Glue Grenade: This gadget when thrown will slow enemies and allow for fast kills and takedowns while they are slowed to get the shot on them.
- Arc Mine: The arc mine acts as a claymore and can be placed down throughout the locations, allowing for tactical placements at entryways to quickly dispatch any threats. Using this alongside effective barricading of areas will likely be crucial to effective success.
- Field Wall: A field wall will deploy on any impacts and create a barrier to stop alien projectiles of any nature.
- REACT Light: The ‘REACT’ light is an extremely useful gadget to make use of, given that the tool will allow you to detect ‘parasites’/aliens through walls by correlating information with the bioluminescence the gadget activates on the Archaean’s.
- Scan Mine: This gadget will scan for any nearby aliens when deployed and give the team a tactical advantage
Those are the gadgets that we know about so far and will be able to make use of when the game launches. Rainbow Six Extraction will allow for cross-play and you will be therefore able to team up with the partner(s) of your choosing across any platform. Your time with the ‘REACT’ team commences soon…
Rainbow Six Extraction releases January 2022 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X /S, Google Stadia, PC, and Amazon Luna.
- This article was updated on September 13th, 2021