Persona 5 Guides Articles | Attack of the Fanboy Video Game Guides, Reviews, News & More Mon, 25 May 2020 08:29:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Persona 5 Royal School Answers – Classroom and Exam Guide Mon, 25 May 2020 08:29:29 +0000

Phantom Thieves by night, normal high school students by day. Joker and friends have school most days in Persona 5 Royal, and just like in real life, there’s a good chance the teacher will call on you with a question you definitely aren’t prepared for. Doing well in school has numerous benefits in Persona 5 Royal, including social stat bonuses, so you’ll want to make sure you don’t miss any questions in class. Tests and exams also come around regularly, so you’ll want to be prepared for those as well. This guide contains all the answers to every school question, test, and exam in Persona 5 Royal, helping you reach the top of the class with ease.

Persona 5 Royal April School Answers

  • April 12 – Villains
  • April 19 – They’re the same
  • April 23 – All of them
  • April 27 – Four color theorem
  • April 30 – Wonder, Child, A prodigy

Persona 5 Royal May School Answers

  • May 6 – Fatal Woman
  • May 10 – The Heian period
  • May 11 Exam Question 1 – Minamoto no Yoshitsune
  • May 11 Exam Question 2 – Minamoto no Yoritomo, Oritomo won, The weak
  • May 12 Exam Question 1 – Cognition
  • May 12 Exam Question 2 – Both
  • May 13 Exam Question 1 – The Devil’s Dictionary
  • May 13 Exam Question 2 – Femme Fatale
  • May 16 – The placebo effect
  • May 19 – Katsushika Hokusai
  • May 21 – 1:1.414
  • May 23 – Senses coming together
  • May 26 – Arthur Conan Doyle
  • May 31 – John Silver

Persona 5 Royal June School Answers

  • June 4 – The halo effect
  • June 7 – The number of legs
  • June 8 – Controlling public thought
  • June 13 – Green
  • June 15 – Coins
  • June 23  – A pope
  • June 27– Dogs
  • June 29 – Gold

Persona 5 Royal July School Answers

  • July 1 – Barbarian’s Head
  • July 4 – Julius and Augustus
  • July 9 – A triangle
  • July 11 – Long-term memories, Infinite, Forever
  • July 12 – Thievery
  • July 13 Exam Question 1 – 64
  • July 13 Exam Question 2 – Zhuge Liang, Barbarian’s heads, To offer them instead of heads
  • July 14 Exam Question 1 – Red king crab
  • July 14 Exam Question 2 – It caused confusion in the economy
  • July 15 Exam Question 1 – Raining cats and dogs
  • July 15 Exam Question 2 – Demon guts

Persona 5 Royal September School Answers

  • September 3 – Prosperity
  • September 6 – Chronostasis
  • September 14 – Money loans for collateral
  • September 17 – Cats eating human tongues
  • September 21 – Central Europe
  • September 24 – 20 white, 12 black
  • September 28 – Phantom, Vibration, Syndrome
  • September 29 – Imperial Household Agency

Persona 5 Royal October School Answers

  • October 3 – Stars
  • October 6 – Joseph-Ignace Guillotin
  • October 11 – Bouba
  • October 17 Exam Question 1 – 32 surfaces
  • October 17 Exam Question 2 – It used to be one colour, Black and white picture
  • October 18 Exam Question 1 – Charles-Henri Sanson
  • October 18 Exam Question 2 – It’s a hereditary profession
  • October 19 Exam Question 1 – Slave labor
  • October 19 Exam Question 2 – 3 bees in all of Europe
  • October 22 – 15
  • October 24 – Memory bias

Persona 5 Royal November School Answers

  • November 2 – A share of stolen goods
  • November 4 – A sword
  • November 8 – Any age
  • November 10 – Crow eyes are hard to see
  • November 12 – Because the voice is synthetic
  • November 14 – Because of high altitude
  • November 15 – His head was put on display
  • November 17 – Cochleoid

Persona 5 Royal December School Answers

  • December 20 Exam Question 1 – D
  • December 20 Exam Question 2 – Over one billion yen, Having his head displayed, Public performance
  • December 21 Exam Question 1 – Hearts
  • December 21 Exam Question 2 – Attend
  • December 22 Exam Question 1 – Japan
  • December 22 Exam Question 2 – Dreadnought

Persona 5 Royal January School Answers

  • January 11 – How numerous they are, The Eight Million Gods
  • January 14 – Iwate
  • January 18 – Impressive
  • January 21 – A snake
  • January 24 – Kind-hearted, Negative, Resentful
  • January 27 – To friends of friends of friends
Persona 5 Royal Social Stats Guide – How to Increase Guts, Charm, Knowledge, Proficiency, and Kindness Sat, 04 Apr 2020 11:55:48 +0000

Persona 5 Royal features a social stats system that allows you to level up various aspects of your character that will aid you in both your social like and your phantom thief escapades. There are five social stats categories that can be improved by taking on various daily tasks like studying or working a part-time job. Each stat maxes out at 5, which seems like a low cap on paper, but in practice, it’ll take weeks to level each stat up to the maximum. Like everything else in Persona 5 Royal, leveling up social stats takes time, and you’ll have to put off hanging out with friends or diving into the metaverse if you want to work on improving yourself. Persona 5 Royal does provide more opportunities to improve social stats than the standard game, but it’s still a very difficult and time-consuming process.

Why Should I Care About Social Stats in Persona 5 Royal?

Social stats affect all facets of Persona 5 Royal. They govern what you’re able to do and who you’re able to see on a given day. If you want to do a clinical trial with Takemi, for example, you’ll need to raise your Guts stat to a certain level. Ann won’t see you unless your kindness is high enough, and the same goes for Makoto and knowledge. Your Proficiency stat affects the number of infiltration tools you can make at one time, too. The Flower Shop won’t hire you unless your Charm is high enough, either. Improving your social stats can open up several new opportunities for you in Persona 5 Royal, and it can greatly benefit you in the long run. Thankfully, Persona 5 Royal adds a few new ways to improve social stats, and the addition of a third semester grants you a ton of extra time to max out your social stats.

Best Ways to Increase Guts, Proficiency, Kindness, Charm, and Knowledge in Persona 5 Royal


Best Ways to Improve Guts

Guts is by far the most difficult social stat to raise simply because there aren’t as many ways to improve it as other stats. You’ll probably have to rely on the activities that can raise every social stat, like reading books or watching rented DVDs. That being said, Guts can be increased by doing the following:

  • Participating in a clinical trial with Takemi
  • Taking the Big Bang Burger Challenge
  • Ordering the Surprise Sando while studying at the Diner
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games


Best Ways to Improve Proficiency

Proficiency can be improved quickly early on because most of the methods of upgrading it are unlocked from the beginning. There are multiple jobs that pay well alongside improving this stat, and you can even get items out of crafting infiltration tools while improving this stat as well. Proficiency can be increased by doing the following.

  • Spending time with Iwai
  • Working part-time at the Beef Bowl Shop
  • Working part-time at Crossroads
  • Visit the Batting Cages
  • Crafting infiltration tools in your room (especially on rainy days)
  • Ordering the Totem Pole while studying at the Diner
  • Going fishing
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games


Best Ways to Improve Kindness

Two of the best Confidants in the game raise your Kindness stat just through spending time with them, so you’re likely to get a boost in this department as a result. Also, a lot of activities that improve Kindness can be done in the evening at Leblanc after going to the metaverse, so you won’t have to worry about being tired. Kindness can be improved by doing the following:

  • Spending time with Sojiro
  • Spending time with Shinya
  • Working part-time at the Flower Shop
  • Cleaning Leblanc
  • Tending to the plant in your room
  • Ordering the Nostalgic Steak while studying at the Diner
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games


Best Ways to Improve Charm

Charm is another social stat that can be easily improved by spending time with Confidants, so you shouldn’t have a hard time reaching those high ranks. You can also start leveling it up efficiently fairly early on, and you can also get a nice boost from school activities if you focus on other social stats as well. Charm can be improved by doing the following:

  • Spending time with Yoshida
  • Spending time with Ohya
  • Visiting the bathhouse (especially on Monday/Thursday/Rainy days)
  • Visiting the maid cafe
  • Doing particularly well on exams (requires high Knowledge)
  • Dodging thrown chalk in class (requires high Proficiency)
  • Working part-time at the Convenience Store
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games


Best Ways to Improve Knowledge

Being a student, Knowledge is crucial to performing well in school. You can steadily improve it without taking up any extra time by answering questions correctly in class, so you’ll have steady Knowledge points coming in if you know all the answers. Knowledge can also be improved alongside certain other social stats at places like the Diner. Knowledge can be improved by doing the following:

  • Spending time with Hifumi
  • Choosing to pay attention in class instead of slacking off
  • Answering class questions correctly
  • Studying at the Library, Diner, or Leblanc
  • Answering TV quiz questions correctly
  • Solving crossword puzzles in Leblanc
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games

Other Way to Improve Social Stats

There are some things in Persona 5 Royal that will improve your social stats by a small amount or increase one of your stats at random. Working part-time at Crossroads provides opportunities to improve many of your social stats depending on the customers present on a given day. Taking the Big Bang Burger challenge can increase every one of your social stats except Kindness if you succeed, but even if you fail, you still get a small boost to Guts. Finally, the juice stand in the Shibuya Underground Walkway sells juice that increases one of your stats without passing any time. Planning out your weeks to take advantage of the boosts activities get on certain days, like going to the bathhouse on Mondays or Thursdays or buying juice on Sundays, is key in improving all of your social stats as efficiently as possible.

Persona 5 Royal – How to Get the True Ending Wed, 01 Apr 2020 02:25:28 +0000

Persona 5 Royal adds a ton of new content, including an entire third semester and brand new palace, to the 100 hour RPG, but the new content and true ending of the game are actually missable if you don’t meet certain prerequisites during the main story. Thankfully, reaching the third semester involves hanging out with Persona 5 Royal’s new characters, and getting the true ending requires more of the same. Many players will fulfill these requirements without even knowing it, as most Persona 5 players will gravitate toward the new content over the old stuff, but some people will end up very confused when they don’t do what needs to be done and end up with the vanilla ending of Persona 5 after 100+ hours.

This is how to get the true ending in Persona 5 Royal. There will not be any spoilers in this guide.

How to Get the True Ending in Persona 5 Royal

Reaching the true ending in Persona 5 Royal requires you to spend time with a few of the game’s new characters and advance their Confidant ranks to a certain level. In order to get the true ending, you’ll need to advance the Councillor arcana, Faith arcana, and Justice arcana to certain levels just before reaching the normal ending of Persona 5. You can see the list of characters and exact Ranks and dates below.

  • Takuto Maruki (Councillor arcana) – Rank 9 before November 18
  • Goro Akechi (Justice arcana) – Rank 9 before November 24
  • Kasumi Yoshizawa (Faith arcana) – Rank 5 before December 18

Takuto Maruki is one of the new characters introduced in Persona 5 Royal, and he comes into the story early on. You can get Ranks 1-5 immediately after meeting him, but you won’t be able to reach Ranks 6-9 until September 20. After that point, you’ll have until November 18 to reach Rank 9 with him, If you manage to do so, Rank 10 will unlock automatically and you’ll be on track to reach the new content in Persona 5 Royal. If not, you’ll be locked out of the third semester entirely. Kasumi Yoshizawa is another new character introduced in Persona 5 Royal, and while you’ll meet her very early on, you won’t be able to start leveling up her Confidant Rank until later in the game. She’s not available as often as the rest of the cast, so prioritize seeing her whenever you can. Reaching Rank 5 with Kasumi by December 18 is required to see the true ending. Goro Akechi was featured in the standard version of Persona 5, but his Confidant Rank was tied to the main story and was unmissable as a result. Now, Akechi is just like the rest of the cast, meaning you’ll have to seek him out to level up his Confidant Rank. In order to see the true ending, you’ll need to reach Rank 8 with Akechi by November 24.

If you meet all of these requirements, you’ll see the true ending of Persona 5 Royal as well as all of the new content the game has to offer.

Persona 5 Royal – How to Unlock Third Semester and New Palace Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:55:48 +0000

Persona 5 is already a pretty long game, but the newly released Persona 5 Royal adds an entire third semester and tons of other content to the 100 hour RPG. Unlike most of the main content in Persona 5, however, you can get locked out of the third semester if you don’t complete certain requirements beforehand. Thankfully, you have a fairly large window of opportunity to take care of these prerequisites, but if you ignore them, you won’t be able to see any of the new stuff. The things you need to do involve hanging out with Royal’s new set of characters, though, so at least you’ll get to see a few new things before getting to the meatier additions of Persona 5 Royal.

This is how to unlock the third semester and new palace in Persona 5 Royal. There won’t be any spoilers in this guide.

How to Unlock the Third Semester and New Palace in Persona 5 Royal

Unlocking the third semester in Persona 5 Royal requires you to spend time with one of the game’s new characters and advance their Confidant rank to a certain level. In order to get to the third semester, you’ll need to advance the Councillor arcana to Rank 9 before November 18. You can do this by spending time with Takuto Maruki, one of the new characters added in Persona 5 Royal. Maruki comes into the story early on and is unmissable, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find him. The first 5 Ranks are available as soon as you meet him, but you won’t be able to reach Ranks 6-9 until September 20. After that point, you’ll have until November 18 to reach Rank 9 with him. If you manage to do so, Rank 10 will unlock automatically on November 18. If you don’t, then you’ll be locked out of Rank 10 and the third semester of the game, meaning you’ll be stuck with the standard ending of Persona 5.

Persona 5 Guide: How Long To Beat & How Many Palaces There Are Mon, 10 Apr 2017 18:15:07 +0000

Any fans of the Persona series will know that these games are not brief experiences, offering many hours of gameplay that can easily get up to the 100 hour mark. How thorough you are with your playthrough and how slow/fast you are at reading text will alter this, but for the most part you should always plan for an extended stay. The excellent Persona 4 Golden was one example of this, with so much worthwhile content that it was hard to not spend 100 hours with it.

This is no different with Atlus’ Persona 5, offering yet another lengthy JRPG experience for players to get sucked up in. The game will easily take at least 60-70 hours to complete, but for those of you who really take your time to experience everything will see that number end up in the 80-100 hour range. This is due to the sheer amount of content that is on offer here, from the lengthy main palace quests to all of the school and social aspects and even the Mementos side quests.

However, for most people it is going to the be the Palaces that make up the bulk of their playtime, and the game offers seven main ones and one optional one to tackle. While it may not seem like a ton on the surface, these dungeons are typically very lengthy and challenging. They also hold major significance in the game’s story, as they are literal manifestations of corrupted adults’ hearts that you’re trying to purify. The following is a complete list of all Palaces in Persona 5:

  • Castle of Lust
  • Museum of Vanity
  • Bank of Gluttony
  • Pyramid of Wrath
  • Space Station of Greed
  • Casino of Envy
  • Cruise of Pride
  • Prison of Sloth (Mementos)

On top of the already lengthy game is the fact that the game also offers a new game plus mode, allowing the player to carry over all of their stats from their first playthrough. This will allow you to complete any of the tasks that you missed the first time around (which will happen), meaning that the length would then even surpass the 100 hour mark for completionists. While this could end up being a chore for some games, the fact that Persona 5 is such a high quality experience means that it’s something that is enjoyable to spend so much time with.

Persona 5 Guide: Where To Find Yusuke Mon, 10 Apr 2017 15:00:04 +0000

Yusuke Kitagawa is the eccentric artist that will eventually join your team in Persona 5, helping you out in combat while also being available to hang out with. Due to his interesting character arc and the fact that getting closer to him makes him stronger in battle, making the time to hang out with him is something that we highly recommend. This guide will show you how to track him down.

First of all, Yusuke won’t become available until 6/14 within the game, and you need to have a Proficiency of level 4 to be able to hang out with him. While he isn’t as easy to find as some of the game’s characters, most of the time you will be able to find him in the Underground Walkway in Shibuya. Being the true artist that he is, he spends his time here admiring the crowds of people and taking in life’s natural beauty. He’s a unique character that requires someone with an eye for the arts like he does, so be sure to lean towards the more profound conversation choices when speaking with him.

Yusuke also brings a major new mechanic to the game that can’t be said for most characters, and that is the ability to copy skill cards. He does this by turning Blank Cards into copies of whatever Skill Card you want a duplicate of, which comes in very handy if you want a powerful skill acquired by more than one Persona.

Keep in mind that if you’re having trouble finding Yusuke and you’re well over the recommended Proficiency rank, it could just be that you’re close to a dungeon deadline and need to finish it first. This means that you need to make your way through to the very end of a Palace and defeat the final boss, which should open up many social interactions again. There are also just days where characters aren’t available to hang out with, and if that’s the case then just try again the next day.

Persona 5 Guide: How Many Colors Test Question Answer Mon, 10 Apr 2017 10:38:56 +0000

Despite being a member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts in Persona 5, at the end of the day you’re also just a high school student. This means that you’ll regularly have to attend class, and depending on the day you may or may not be called on to answer a question. This will happen throughout the school year, but there has been one test question in particular that has stumped many.

The test question we’re talking about here is the one that asks how many colors it takes to paint every region of a map given to you without any two adjacent ones being the same color. You’ll be asked this question on 4/27 by Ms. Usami, and compared to the other ones it’s very tricky. However, you don’t have to rack your brain to figure it out, as we’ll just tell you that the answer is four.

Ms. Usami will then go on to discuss this principle further, saying that any flat image – a map of the world, or anything – can be painted only using four colors. She states that many have realized this principle based on experience since ancient times, but it went unsolved for a long time as it was difficult to prove.

Of course, seeing as you answered the question correctly, all of your classmates will be vocally amazed at your immense knowledge. Not only that, but you’ll also improve your knowledge stat for answering the question correctly, which comes in very handy throughout the game. The teacher will then go on to continue the lesson, but your work here is done and class will soon be over.

Sometimes when you’re in these classes you won’t have to answer any questions at all, while still having potential to raise your knowledge stat occasionally. However, when test questions come up for you to answer you want to do your absolute best to get them right, as they’ll help raise that knowledge category more quickly.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Get The True or Good Ending Mon, 10 Apr 2017 02:18:52 +0000

In Persona 5 there are multiple endings to the game depending on the choices that you make throughout the game.  There are many ways that you can spend you time in the game, mismanaging your time can set you on the path to bad endings.  This guide will tell you how to get the good ending and true ending in Persona 5, and how to avoid the bad endings.

Let’s start with the bad endings to Persona 5.  Noone wants to get the bad ending, but if you simply must see them to experience everything that Persona 5 has to offer here’s what you can do to get the bad endings.

Please note that everything below this could potentially be a spoiler for the game so if you don’t want some of the story revealed do not read. 

Persona 5 Bad Endings

The first bad ending can be gotten by failing to meet the deadline of completing a palace and getting the treasure inside before time runs out.  All you have to do is ignore the deadline and you’ll get this bad ending to Persona 5.  The second can be gotten by making the wrong choices and spilling the beans when you’re being interrogated by Niijima.  If you turn on the Phantom Thieves and reveal the identities of your friends you’ll get a bad ending.  Lastly, if you make it all the way to the final dungeon and choose the dialogue line “Is it really the right world,” you’ll trigger the third bad ending.

Persona 5 Alternative Ending

If you managed to not get any of the aformentioned Bad Endings in Persona 5 you have a chance to get this alternative ending.  If you can make it to December 24th, you’ll need to speak with Igor in the game’s final dungeon… but don’t fight him.  He’ll offer you a choice to return to the world to its previous form.  Not fighting Igor is the path to getting this alternative ending.  However, if you want the “true” ending, read on.

Persona 5 True Ending

The True Ending for Persona 5 requires you to do a mixture of things.  First of all you’ll need to have not gotten any of the bad endings, so that means you’ll need to have gotten the treasure from the palace by the deadlines.  However, you also need to not cooperate with Nijima during your interrogation.  If you give up your friends, the ending of Persona 5 will be that the detective has cracked the case.  If you were avoiding the bad endings, you’ll also have not chosen the “Is it really the right world” dialogue line.  Now at this point you need to not take Igor’s bargain of returning the world to ignorance at which point you’ll fight a final boss battle and recieve the True Ending in Persona 5.

Persona 5 Guide: Where To Find Ann Sun, 09 Apr 2017 22:45:30 +0000

Ann Takamaki is one of the Confidants that will join your team throughout your journey in Persona 5, and she’ll join your crew fairly early on in the game. Of course, when she joins your team that also means that you’ll be able to start spending time with her outside of battle, raising her Confidant rank in the process. This guide will show you where to find her in order to do that.

First of all, Ann will join your team after you have completed the game’s first palace. Once you’ve gotten that out of the way, Ann will officially be available for you to approach and hang out with. You’ll need to have your Kindness level at 2, however, but if you need help raising that stat then check out our guide on it here. There are a number of different activities that you can do to raise the stat, and it won’t take you long to get to the second level.

With that out of the way, it’s time to actually track Ann down. Luckily you won’t have to go far most of the time, as she’s usually sitting in the seat that’s right in front of you in class. If she isn’t in the classroom, then the next best spot to go looking for her is Shibuya underground mall. She’ll also send you an invitation to hang out at times as you make your way through the game, so be sure to take advantage of those opportunities when they arise. You’ll know that she’s willing to spend the day with you if she has a card icon over her head when you’re near her, so watch out for that.

As for why you want to spend time with Ann, outside of fleshing out her character you’ll also make her stronger in battle. As her Confidant ranks increase she will learn new moves, as well as being more willing to protect you in battle. Her tarot type is the Lovers arcana, so having a Persona of the Lovers arcana while spending time with her will increase the number of rank points earned.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Raise Kindness Sun, 09 Apr 2017 02:03:11 +0000

The Kindness Stat in Persona 5 is an important social stat to raise if you want to be able to speak with certain people, get specific jobs, and perform other actions in the game.  Raising Kindness will take you from Inoffensive to Considerate, Empathetic, Selfless, and all the way up to Angelic.

How to raise Kindness is done a number of activities that you can do in your free time.

Watching Movies or Books can raise your Kindness, but not always.  There are specific books that can be found in the library or in the bookstore that will raise your Kindness after completing them.  If you’re not sure how to get books and read them, check out this guide on how to.

If you pay for dinner in Shibuya you can raise your Kindness.  Watering the plant in your room at Leblanc’s Cafe will raise Kindness, so make sure you pay attention to your green friend once you’ve cleaned up your room above the cafe.  Playing video games will also raise your Kindness.

Taking on jobs that have customer service, like working in Cafe Leblanc, will raise your Kindness.   Also once you’ve reached the Selfless rank, you can raise Kindness by doing the Burger Challenge.

Raising stats like Kindness, will allow you to do more activities and interact with certain characters throughout the game.  Paying attention to and completing these activities in your free time will make your character stronger in the end and make you more powerful in the games dungeons.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Get Personas Sun, 09 Apr 2017 01:34:34 +0000

One of Persona 5’s core mechanics is the usage of Personas in combat.  These are creatures that can be summoned to cast magical spells and attacks on your enemies and make you more powerful.  There are many Personas to unlock in Persona 5, this is a guide on how to get Personas and use them to create powerful new ones.

Starting off the game you’ll be given a starting Persona, but you’ll quickly encounter many ways to get new ones.  Getting new Personas is mostly done in combat, where using a very specific method of combat will allow you to use a multi-step process to take any enemy’s Persona if they are close to you in level.


Step 1 to getting new Personas is to initiate a combat sequence.  Step 2 is the most important, you’ll need to weaken all of the enemies that you are fighting.  This is easiest to do if you know what an enemy has a weakness to and just use that to target them.  During combat you can check to see what an enemies weaknesses and strengths are by pressing L1.  Sometimes you will know, other times you won’t.  Thankfully, you’ll encounter most enemies multiple times, so you’ll be given the chance to find their weaknesses eventually.  But once you’ve found the weakness, just use the one more turn function to knock down all of the enemies that you are fighting.


Once you’ve got your enemies weakened, you’ll be given the opportunity to go into one of three modes.  All out Attack where you’ll trigger a mini-cutscene and barrage the enemies, break formation, or talk to the enemies.  By choosing Talk you can ask the enemy for three things — Their Persona, Cash, or an item.  Enemies will fork over cash or an item fairly easily, but getting them to give you their Persona is a little bit harder as you’ll need to persuade them through a conversation.  Selecting the right dialogue lines will get you their Persona, but if you fail you’ll go back into combat.  Through trial and error it’s pretty easy to determine which answers are the correct ones to get new Personas from using this method.


By collecting these new Persona’s in the dungeons of the game, you’ll have a growing inventory that you can take back to the Velvet Room to get even more powerful Personas by using the fusion functionality.  The Velvet Room is where all of the activities that you perform out in the real world come to pay off as the bonds that you create with your Confidants will allow you to create new powerful Personas that can give you XP boosts and new powers.

You can get new Personas simply by fusing the Personas that you’ve collected over the course of your battles in the Dungeons and Castles, in two ways.  Through a Normal Fusion, where you select each Persona, or by Reverse Fusion where you get to see the outcome first. Unfortunately when you fuse two Personas you lose both of them but gain the new stronger combined one.  This new Persona is almost always more powerful than the two that have been combined. It’s also worth noting that sometimes there are accidents when creating new Personas, and the “expected outcome” doesn’t always happen.

The Velvet Room also has a feature where you can register Personas.  Personas that have been collected will show up in the registry and can then be re-purchased in instances that they’ve been used to combine into a new one but you do not like the outcome.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Read Books & Where to Get Them Sat, 08 Apr 2017 16:56:02 +0000

In Persona 5 reading books is one of the many activities that you can do to increase stats like knowledge and guts.  The game will introduce you to reading on the subway, where you’ll read a magazine when getting the chance to sit down, but there are other times that you’ll have the chance to read.

First though, you need books and there are a couple of places to get them. The first place to get books to read, and this should be pretty logical, is at the school library.  Just go to the library, which is on the third floor of the school.  To check out a book, it must be a school day, and you must talk with the librarian who will give you a list of books that you can borrow and read.   In the Library there is a reading table.  If the table is open you can sit down and read there.

The second place that you can read is at your home, downstairs in Cafe Leblanc. Right near the entrance to cafe, next to the payphone there is a stack of books which you can pick up and read at the bar.  However, you’ll need to build your library of books to read and the easiest way to do this is by visiting the bookstore in Shibuya (Central Street) or borrowing from the school.  Any books that you have that you’ve bought or borrowed will show up here.  Selecting one will automatically begin the reading process.  You won’t finish the book in a single sitting. How many sittings it takes to read a book is shown by the number of tickets next to it in the menu.  You can pick up reading again when you have another opportunity, once you have completed a book you will gain knowledge points for doing so.

Another spot where you’ll be able to read is if you find a seat on the subway.  If you are in the middle of reading a book, you will automatically read it on your way to school on some rides.  This happens whether or not you are in the middle of reading a book, so be sure to start reading books at the shop then finish them on the train without wasting much time.

Having trouble with other areas in the game?  Check out some of our other guides for Persona 5.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Leave a Dungeon Sat, 08 Apr 2017 00:58:27 +0000

In Persona 5 you’ll spend half your time exploring the city and doing activities, and the other half of your time you’ll spend in Dungeons.  These dungeons get progressively harder and your party of thieves will sometimes need to head back to the real world for a couple of days to regroup before progressing any further.

To help in this process there are safe rooms that can found in each dungeon that allow you to save your progress, but you can fast travel to them as well.  Once in a safe room you can also fast travel to any other safe room that you’ve visited before.  This is an easy way to move around a dungeon once you’ve progressed all the way through, but what about leaving a dungeon?

Leaving a dungeon in Persona 5 is very easy.  You simply must pull up your map, scroll to the entrance of the dungeon and then fast travel there.  While you can pull up your map at any time while in a dungeon in Persona 5, you have to be in a safe room to fast travel. So make sure you are in one when using the map for the ability to fast travel.

That’s the easiest way to do it, but you could also simply retrace your steps to the entrance of the dungeon.  Once you’re at the entrance you can simply walk out of the dungeon.

Persona 5 Guide: How to Raise Guts Sat, 08 Apr 2017 00:33:47 +0000

Persona 5 has many stats that you can boost by performing various activities around the city, but one of the hardest to find is guts.  Raising guts in Persona 5 is just as simple as raising your other attributes, but you just have to look around for very specific activities.

Here are some ways that you can raise guts in Persona 5.  First off, this might sound a little strange but you can raise guts by studying at the library.  To do this just head to the library in the school and find an open study desk and start studying to gain some guts.  You’ll also gain knowledge.

In Shibuya Station you can take on the Big Bang Burger Challenge this will earn you guts every time you try, and might be the most efficient way to earn guts as you’ll earn points even if you fail and more guts points if you complete the challenge.  Other things that you can try to earn guts are going to the movies in Shibuya, leveling the Death Confidant, drinking hot coffee, finding and reading books that increase guts, and going to the Bathhouse when it’s raining,

There are many other ways to earn guts in Persona 5.  Going to the Clinic will allow you to earn guts too, once you’ve started a relationship with Takemi.  After your initial visit to Takemi’s Clinic you will hear about a special medicine.  When you return to the Clinic to inquire about the medicine she will allow you to be her guinney pig and you’ll earn guts for taking medicine.  However, you’ll have already needed to earn guts elsewhere to continue doing clinical trials.

Persona 5 Guide: How To Improve All Social Stats Tue, 04 Apr 2017 18:10:54 +0000

The social element of the Persona series has always been a very important part of the formula, and Persona 5 is no different. When it comes time to form relationships with the other characters, you need to be sure that your character is leveled enough in certain categories in order to move the relationship further. This guide will show you how to do just that.

There are 5 social stats that you’ll gradually be improving throughout the game, and they are Charm, Kindness, Knowledge, Guts and Proficiency. Rather than these stats improving as your character levels up, they improve by doing things like working at a part-time job, going to the movies or reading books. Confidant events that you’ll take part in throughout the game will also improve these stats, so be sure to take part in them when you have the chance. The following is a breakdown of each of the 5 categories:

Charm: This stat involves being able to win people over, and is important for relationships. The level progression for the Charm category is Existent, Head-turning, Suave, Charismatic and Debonair. The following are activities that you can do to improve this stat:

  • Pay at the Diner in Shibuya
  • Watching Charm-improving movies at the movie theater
  • Reading Charm-improving books
  • Go to the Bathhouse
  • Play video games
  • Once at Charismatic rank, take on the Burger Challenge

Kindness: This stat is involves being able to talk to certain people, and also helps with landing certain jobs. The level progression for the Kindness category is Inoffensive, Considerate, Empathetic, Selfless and Angelic. The following are activities that you can do to improve this stat:

  • Pay at the Diner in Shibuya
  • Watch Kindness-improving movies at the movie theater
  • Reading Kindness-improving books
  • Watering the plant in your room
  • Play video games
  • Once at Selfless rank, take on the Burger Challenge

Knowledge: This stat involves being able to perform well on tests and being perceived well by others. The level progression for the Knowledge category is Oblivious, Learned, Scholarly, Encyclopedic and Erudite. The following are activities that you can do to improve this stat:

  • Answer Classroom Lecture questions correctly
  • Pay at the Diner in Shibuya
  • Study table in Leblanc
  • Watch Knowledge-improving movies at the movie theater
  • Read Knowledge-improving books
  • Play video games
  • Once at Encyclopedic rank, take on the Burger Challenge

Guts: This stat involves being able to select more brave dialogue options when dealing with certain characters, as well as being able to purchase better weapons from Untouchable. The level progression for the Guts category is Milquetoast, Bold, Staunch, Dauntless and Lionhearted. The following are activities that you can do to improve this stat:

  • Pay at the diner in Shibuya
  • Watch Guts-improving movies at the movie theater
  • Read Guts-improving books
  • Play video games
  • Once at Dauntless rank, take on the Burger Challenge

Proficiency: This stat involves being able to craft more efficiently. The level progression for the Guts category is Bumbling, Decent, Skilled, Masterful and Transcendent. The following are activities that you can do to improve this stat:

  • Craft tools in your room
  • Pay at the diner in Shibuya
  • Watch Proficiency-improving movies at the movie theater
  • Read Proficieny-improving books
  • Play video games
  • Once at Masterful rank, take on the Burger Challenge

When it comes to trying to max out each stat, you need to understand that it is a slow process. Don’t get discouraged if you’re doing the aforementioned activities and not seeing much progress, because that’s normal and it will likely take you most of the game to max out everything. Just keep doing the activities while progressing through the game and eventually you’ll be all maxed out.

Persona 5 Guide: How To Take Cover And Hide Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:50:48 +0000

Making your way through the palaces of Persona 5 will bring you into contact with many of the game’s enemies, which are called shadows. Engaging in battles with shadows is a major aspect of the game that is important for leveling up, ensuring that you’re prepared for the inevitable boss fights. However, if you don’t feel like fighting you can always hide from them or sneak around them, and this guide will show you how.

The game’s palaces will have several cover points for you to hide behind, which you can do to stay out of the sight of an enemy. You’ll know that you’ve reached a cover spot when the prompt comes up for you to hit the x button, which will then place you in cover behind whatever the object happens to be. The great thing about this system is that there will likely be other cover points close by, allowing you to warp to them with a tap of a button once the prompt shows up. You’ll want to do this when the enemy isn’t looking, however, as they will spot you otherwise.

Using the cover system can also be a great way to ambush enemies, as they will often be moving around a patrol point that contains several cover spots. The best thing to do is to jump behind one of these cover spots and just wait for the enemy to walk past you, completely oblivious to your presence. Once they’re past you, all that’s left to do is to come up behind them and whack them to get the initiative in battle.

The stealth and cover system in Persona 5 isn’t the most deep one you’ll find in a video game, but it nevertheless adds an interesting new way to deal with the game’s enemies. Whether you’re looking to ambush an enemy or avoid it entirely, it’s a mechanic that comes in handy throughout the entire game.

Persona 5 Guide: How To Sprint Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:18:02 +0000

Persona 5 has made several quality of life improvements over previous installments in the series, with one of them being the addition of the ability to sprint. While your character moves at a pretty steady pace throughout palaces and the new stealth cover system makes for added nimbleness, sprinting takes things up a notch. This guide will tell you how to start moving at a much higher pace.

The ability to be able to sprint will become available after you’ve made some progress through a palace, allowing you to dramatically increase your movement speed for even quicker palace navigation. All you have to do is hold down the R2 button and your character will be moving much faster. However, with this increased movement speed comes a major caveat, as enemies will also be able to detect you much easier. It won’t be an issue if you’re a far enough distance away from an enemy, but get too close and they’ll soon be on your tail. Of course, seeing as you’re sprinting it will be harder for them to catch you, so just keep running!

The key to being able to maneuver around shadows successfully while sprinting is to make sure you’re coming towards them with their backs or sides facing you. As you speed past them their delayed reaction will allow to get past them untouched, and they won’t be able to catch you if you keep moving after that. You can also do this as a way to quickly initiate battles if you’re level grinding, stomping your way through palaces and obliterating every shadow in sight.

If you’re using sprint as a means of avoiding enemy encounters, then be sure to do that only if you’re confident that you’ve reached a high enough level. It’s very important that you regularly engage in enemy encounters, because if you don’t then you’re likely to be under-leveled by the time you reach the boss. Sprinting is more recommended for people who have already made significant progress in an area, with the enemy encounters being a waste of time due to low experience gains.

Persona 5 Guide: How To Save Your Game Tue, 04 Apr 2017 09:37:58 +0000

Saving is important in any game you play, but considering that Persona 5 is a very long ride you’re going to want to make sure that you don’t waste a single second of time. The game doesn’t save like Persona 4 did and doesn’t feature an auto-save system, which can lead to a little bit of confusion when first booting the game up. Don’t worry, as this guide will show you how to save your game.

Fans will be happy to know that Atlus has gotten rid of the save points that you would need to hunt down to save as in Persona 4, and instead you can do it directly from the game menu. However, you’re restricted in terms of when this save function will actually be available, which can leave you without the ability to save at times. You won’t be able to do it within a palace or even during certain story segments, but typically your room, school and the gates leading to palaces will allow you to save.

You have two different methods for saving within the game, with one being faster than the other. You can simply hit the options button on the controller to bring up the save screen, but you can also access it by going through the game’s menu with the triangle button. Considering that the game features time-management aspects that could lead you to doing something you didn’t mean to with no way back, it’s highly recommended that you make multiple save slots throughout your playthrough. That way if a mistake is made, you can just go back to one of your older saves and correct it.

That should be all you need to know when it comes to saving in Persona 5. Saving is an absolutely crucial element to progressing through the game, so make sure that you do it often to avoid having to do any segments of the game over.
