Monster Hunter Rise is already a huge game, but the Sunbreak expansion adds a long list of new monsters for players to take on. Instead of releasing a new version of Monster Hunter Rise, Capcom has elected to release a DLC expansion for the game similar to Iceborne for Monster Hunter World. This means players won’t have to start from scratch, allowing them to go toe to toe with all of the new monsters as soon as the expansion is released on Nintendo Switch and PC. Sunbreak’s roster contains a wide array of returning monsters and subspecies in addition to intimidating new creatures, so there’s no shortage of variety. Here’s the full list of every new monster and subspecies added to Monster Hunter Rise with the Sunbreak expansion.
Every New Monster in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise already features an extensive list of original monsters and returning fan favorites in the base game roster, but the Sunbreak expansion adds a huge selection of new foes for hunters to tackle. Some are returning monsters and subspecies from previous games in the series, while others are entirely original creatures made just for Sunbreak.
Here is every new and returning monster that is currently confirmed for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak:
- Shagaru Magala (MH4U)
- Scorched Magnamalo (New Subspecies)
- Furious Rajang (MHFU Subspecies)
- Seething Bazelgeuse (World Subspecies)
- Espinas (MH Frontier)
- Gore Magala (MH4U)
- Daimyo Hermitaur (MHF2)
- Pyre Rakna-Kadaki (New Subspecies)
- Lucent Nargacuga (MH3U Subspecies)
- Astalos (MHG)
- Aurora Somnacanth (New Subspecies)
- Blood Orange Bishaten (New Subspecies)
- Garangolm (New)
- Lunagaron (New)
- Magma Almudron (New Subspecies)
- Malzeno (New)
- Seregios (MH4U)
- Shogun Ceanataur (MHF2)
That’s already a whopping list of 18 new large monsters, and Capcom is surely holding some surprises back for the full release of the expansion. Check back when Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak officially launches on June 30th to see the complete list of new additions.
Capcom has been steadily revealing new monsters for the Sunbreak expansion every few months, with the most recent Nintendo Direct Mini marking the expansion’s latest appearance. There, the world got its first glimpse at returning fan-favorite subspecies like Furious Rajang and terrifying new subspecies like Scorched Magnamalo. These will likely be some of the toughest foes that Sunbreak has to offer.
While the new monsters are easily the highlight of the expansion, Sunbreak also has plenty more to offer Monster Hunter fans. This is the second time the series has released a “massive expansion” in the vein of Iceborne for Monster Hunter World, and it’s a nice trend to see instead of entirely new Ultimate versions. There’s an all-new village, new locales to explore, new weapons to collect, and new Switch Skills to master. Sunbreak is going to be a huge time sink, which is exactly what Monster Hunter fans have been thirsty for.
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak will be released on June 30 for Nintendo Switch and PC.