Kingdom Come: Deliverance Guide Articles | Attack of the Fanboy Video Game Guides, Reviews, News & More Thu, 08 Mar 2018 06:22:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kingdom Come: Deliverance How to Make Saviours Schnapps Tue, 13 Feb 2018 19:19:36 +0000

There are few different ways to save in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.  You can find those in our guide to saving, but one of the alternatives is by using a potion in the game called Saviours Schnapps.  This potion allows you to save when you want to, but you’ll need to do some alchemy work if you want to keep them on-hand.

To make the saving Schnapps you’ll need to find an Alchemy table.  These can be located in any number of towns and areas.  Once you’ve gotten to an Alchemy table you’ll need to use the following ingredients to make these game saving Schnapps.

Saviours Schnapps Ingredients

  1. Wine
  2. Belladonna x 2

You’ll need to go through all of the alchemy processes to make these potions, but they’re worth it.  Since the game only supports auto-saving after major quest objectives are completed, there will undoubtedly be times when you’ll want to have the ability to save the game when you want.  The Savior Schnapps recipe will come in handy as these instances occur.  The game will not allow you to carry an unlimited number of Saviour Schnapps so you’ll need to frequently visit the Alchemy bench if you want to have the ability to save when you want and you aren’t nearby one of the other manual save spots.

More Kingdom Come: Deliverance Guides

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Choosing The Best Weapon Tue, 13 Feb 2018 14:53:14 +0000

Choosing the right weapon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an important aspect in learning how to fight.  There are many different types of weapons in the game and they all have their purpose both for attacking and defending.

Picking a sharp sword is one direction that a player can go in choosing a weapon.  A sword is ideal for combat against enemies that are wearing weak or little armor.  It allows players to use unique combinations and strike quickly because of the item’s weight.  Sharp objects like a sword will be better at stabbing and slashing attacks.  Slashing and stabbing against an enemy wearing specific armor will be ineffective.

On the other hand, there are times where blunt force objects like a mace, club, or axe are more effective.  It really depends on the armor type that your opponent is wearing.  Even the best sword is less powerful than a good blunt force object if your opponent is wearing armors that’s geared toward defending sword attacks.

Alternatively, players that are unarmored will be faster, so  using a slow weapon like a mace, club, or axe will be less ideal for these situations.  Keeping an eye on your opponent and choosing your gear for a fight is the best course of action when choosing the best weapon for a particular fight in the game.

Kingdom Come Deliverance How to Fight Tue, 13 Feb 2018 14:44:21 +0000

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has a unique combat system that relies on a system attacking, blocking and defending.  Knowning when and where to attack, block, and counter-attack by using visual queues from the enemy where is everything when it comes to the combat of the game.  This guide goes over the combat basics in Kingdom Come: Deliverance teaching you how to fight.

When fighting in Kingdom Come: Deliverance players have a bunch of options regarding what they can use and equip on their character.  The can combine bow and arrow attacks with melee combat or swordfighting as well as equipping a shield for more protection.


Of course, picking the right armor goes a long way in being effective in combat and many combat situations can be avoided in the game.  However, for those times that you do need to fight, you’ll engage in one on one combat.  When in combat a fighting icon will appear under the map on the user interface, and your enemy will be marked with a 5-side star.  This star represents the different spots that you can attack and defend yourself.

Attacking is composed of two different things: slashing and stabbing.

When slash attacking you’ll want to try and strike your opponent in the areas away from their sword or shield.  If your opponent is holding his sword on the left of the screen you should try to swing away from this.  You can aim your strikes by using the right thumbstick while in combat and the direction that you are trying to hit will show up red on the enemy’s star.

But just because you start a swing in one direction doesn’t mean you can’t change it.  You can modify your attacks by pressing one direction and then switching to another one quickly before the strike is complete.

Stabbing on the other hand is a more precise below that aims for the middle of the star.  Different weapons have better ratings for slashing, stabbing and bluntness.  You’ll need to pay attention to what type of armor an enemy is wearing.  If they are wearing weak armor or no armor at all, slashing or stabbing is most effective against this.  While enemies wearing chain mail or plate armor will be harder to penetrate with these weapons.

Combinations can be used as well.  You can chain together attacks by following on screen guidance.  Some combinations require that you manually change the direction of your attacks.  While others will allow you to chain one strike after another and this goes off of the stance that your character is in.  Easy combinations in the game to use with a sword are ones that require no change in direction, you can simply alternate between stabs and slashing from when starting from a specific stance.  To do these combinations alternate between RT + RB.


Holding the block button (LB) during combat will block most standard strikes by your opponent.  Like many games you can’t simply hold the block button without repercussion.  Eventually if you let an enemy pound away on you, you will lose stamina in a fight and eventually start to lose energy if you’re blocking continuously.  Performing a perfect block is essentially pressing the block button at the start of the attack and then pressing it again when it’s about to hit you.  Timing is everything when doing a perfect block, and you’ll notice an indicator on the combat cursor when you have the opportunity to do so.  Using the perfect block does not cost you stamina and you can also counter attack during this with a riposte.  If you counter-attack after you’ve made a perfect block you will perform a riposte.  This can only be defended by the opponent with a perfect block.

While it takes some getting used to, the buttons to press would essentially be block at the beginning of attack, block again when attack is close, and then attack as you are performing the perfect block.

You don’t need to be absolutely aligned with your opponent to block their attack, but the more you can keep your opponent in front of you and guess their attack direction, the easier time you’ll have in performing a perfect block as the window of opportunity for it stays open a bit longer.  Weapons also have defensive stats.  This is how much damage a weapon can absorb while blocking.  Some are easier to block with than others.  Though a shield is the most effective way of blocking attacks as it costs less stamina.

Master Strike

Later on in the game, the player learns a new move called the Master Strike from their trainer, Bernard.  You’ll need to prove yourself skilled enough to learn this attack, but the Master Strike is essentially uses the same button inputs of a Perfect Block, but the counter attack can not be blocked by your opponent.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Picking The Best Armor Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:52:32 +0000

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has a unique system for armor and weapons.  But how do you choose the right armor?  The developers have built the armor in the game to not just be a stat based item.  The shape of the armor matters since the game uses a unique physics based impact system.

Armor for the head, arms, legs, and body can be layered on top of each other to try and make your character impenetrable.  You’ll need to pay close attention to what spots you’ve left open when selecting different armor pieces as being open for attack is the primary thing you’re trying to avoid with the armor you select.

Just because one piece of armor has a higher defensive stat than another does not mean that it is “better.”  It really depends on your current layering of armor and whether that piece fits with the others.

The layering of Armor matters too.  Eventhough you can put on a big piece of armor to absorb the force of an attack, you’ll want to also be wearing the correct armor underneath and overtop of the plate armor to absorb all types of attacks.

The game allows you to mix and match according to your playstyle and you can find your different armors and equip them as seen in this guide to customizing your character. 

Kingdom Come: Deliverance How to Heal Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:43:25 +0000

There are numerous types of injuries that can occur in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and you’ll ultimately need to heal yourself periodically throughout the game.  This can be done by sleeping, visiting bathhouses, or drinking potions.

While minor afflictions can be cured through these means, there are times when Henry is badly injured and bleeding.  This unique injury type requires that you use a bandage as the character may bleed out before making it to somewhere they can be healed.

Unfortunately, you cannot use potions or healing items in combat.  If you sustain injuries during a combat sequence you’ll need to see it through.  Potions do have an affect over time  so you can use them prior to a particularly hard battle or sequence in the game where you need an edge.

Things like Alcohol can give you a boost in different situations as well but does not “heal” your character.

Kingdom Come Deliverance How to Fast Travel Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:37:44 +0000

Kingdom Come: Deliverance does feature a fast travel system and this guide will explain how to fast travel in the game.  It might seem like an easy thing to do, but some might miss the fast travel option as it’s hidden behind other menus within game’s map screen.

Many players will track their course through main and side quests by using the Quest Log within the player menu interface.  While this Quest Log does feature a map you cannot fast travel from that map.  You’ll need to tab to the game’s map which can be quickly brought up by pressing up on the d-pad or through the main player menu.

Once in the Map you’ll see a blue icon with a horse jumping over a wagon wheel.  These are fast travel destinations.  Hovering over this icon while on the map screen will allow you to pick that specific destination to fast travel to.  Alternatively, you can pick a number of different locations that you’ve discovered along your journey.  This must also be done in the map menu, but on the Fast Travel tab.

There are some times when you cannot fast travel in the game and this option will be unavailable.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance How to Save Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:27:20 +0000

Kingdom Come: Deliverance saves automatically when you start a new quest or complete important events during the game.  If you need to save manually there is an option to do so, but this can only be done in a couple of different ways.

How to Save Manually in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

  • Sleep in Your Own Bed
  • Visit a Bathhouse
  • Drink Saviours Schnapps

Saviors Schnapps can either be bought from an innkeeper or traders and/or brewed using alchemy.  You can carry up to three Saviors Schnapps with you at all times.  If you don’t have any of this items on-hand you won’t be able to save the game unless your bed or a bathhouse is nearby.

This save item is the most reliable way to be able to save your game manually so make sure to keep a couple with you on your journeys.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance How to Win at Dice Gambling Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:26:44 +0000

Kingdom Come: Deliverance features Dice Gambling in a game called Farkle.  Just about every town with a tavern has the game in it, and by getting good at it you can win money from your opponent.  In Farkle you’ll play against one other person and the goal is to reach a certain number of points.

Each turn starts out with six dice with the rules being that 1’s are worth 100 points and 5’s are worth 50 points.  After every roll of the DICE at least one die must be set aside.  But players can score points by select ones and fives from the roll for sure points, or you can try to get combinations of three with any single roll.

If you don’t have any scoring dice on any given roll, any points made during that turn are forfeited and then it’s the other player’s turn.  The objective is score as many points as possible without losing out.  The less dice you have to roll, the higher the probability that you’ll bust.  So it’s wise to book sure points and pass the dice to the other player when the chances are highest that you’ll not be able to roll either a combination, a one, or a five.

Since combinations are very valuable, your strategy for the dice game in Kingdom Come: Deliverance could be to not set aside every scoring DICE to boost your chances for combinations.  It is possible to find loaded dice in the game, which will allow you to cheat at the game.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Guide How to Customize Your Character Tue, 13 Feb 2018 09:23:58 +0000

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance there is a deep customization system at play.  Players have the ability to outfit their character with a number of different items from shoes to hats, just about every aspect of the main can be customized to suit any sort of play style.

Unlike a lot of role playing games, Kingdom Come: Deliverance does not feature any character sliders to change the visual appearance of your character without gear.  All of the customization for the main character comes in the form of equipment and weapons, which there are plenty of to find by playing the game.

Once you do collect new equipment and weapons, changing your items is done in the inventory menu using down on the directional pad.  In this menu you can tab through weapons and armor.  Players can customize their characters armor in a number of different ways.

Body & Arms

  • Outer Garmet
  • Body Plate
  • Body Chainmail
  • Body Garmet

Feet & Legs

  • Leg Chainmail
  • Leg Plate
  • Leg Hose
  • Boots


  • Helmet
  • Coif
  • Head Chainmail
  • Neck Chain


  • Off Hand
  • Main Hand
  • Bow
  • Arrows
  • Ring
  • Spurs

All of these different items can be found out in the world.  Players can loot enemies that they vanquish, they can steal from other people, and they can purchase items.

The player character model cannot be customized from the default appearance of Henry.
